Fortezza da Basso in Florence – New technologies for surveying and restoration

The municipality of Florence has began the first phase of studies to restore and regenerate the castle of St John the Baptist commonly known has “Fortezza da Basso”.

A strong team of some of the most accredited institutions for the preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage has been formed for the occasion. With strict work methods and latest generation technology, Architects, Archaeologists, Topographers and Chemists are working together in order to create a 3D digital model of the entire structure.

Photogrammetry and both ground and mobile scanning systems are the tecnique to survey the inside and the external perimeter: they generated over 3000 images and more than 530 scans to produce almost 17 billion point giving the position and size of every block of stone in three-dimensional space. It has been used also an UAV system (drone) in order to survey the walkways.


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